Why Going Vegan Can Save the Planet

We often take for granted how absolutely perfect the conditions on earth had to be for life to exist: life requires carbon, energy from the sun, water, oxygen, gravity, atmospheric gases, and neighboring moons. As far as we know, life is unique to our home planet.  The earth existed in relative harmony for 4.6 billion years, however, humans…

How To Reverse PCOS With Nutrition

Irregular periods. Check. Elevated insulin. Check. Elevated cortisol, testosterone and estrogen. Check, check, check. Excessive hair growth. Check. Acne. Check. Inability to lose weight. Check. Did you check off each symptom? If the answer is yes then you’ve probably already been diagnosed with PCOS. About 1 in 10 women are diagnosed with PCOS. PCOS is most commonly…

Immunotherapy: The Future of Cancer Treatment?

Only 100 years ago we used leeches to treat infections and mercury to cure syphilis. Today, if a doctor tried to administer mercury or attach leeches to a patients arm, the doctor would be sued for malpractice. In another 100 years we’ll look back at chemotherapy and radiation in the same way: archaic. Conventional cancer treatment will be phased out of our medical…

Restore Health With These 6 Nutrients

Rebuilding your health is daunting. You may not know where to start. But there’s good news! In your lifetime 98% of the cells in your body will die and be replaced with new cells. Hence, this time next year you will be a different person. Perhaps you’re not as old you think 😉 Why do…

Do all Chronic Diseases Start in the Gut?

All disease begins in the gut.” – Hippocrates Is it cliche to quote Hippocrates on a health blog? Oh well. Hippocrates was getting at something here. Perhaps all diseases do not begin in the gut but there is mounting evidence that many chronic diseases do. Did you know that we have a second brain? And it’s…

What is Real Health?

  Think about it for a minute… It’s  difficult to define what health really means. Health is not simply the absence of disease. We commonly define health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being” but who can say that they have achieved this? These days it seems that everyone is suffering from disease in one way…

My Story

Not too long ago I, myself went through a health crisis. My health was taken away from me as quick as a flip of a light switch.  I was 25 years old. I woke up with severe burning in my hands and throbbing joint pains throughout my body. An avid runner at the time, I…

The Root Cause of Disease

It’s time to alter your perspective on how disease forms in the body. This post will give you the perfect platform for understanding why we develop “diseases”. We are programed to think that disease is something that invades your body, but that is rarely the case. Disease is intelligently created by the body to deal…